CPI Blog

CPI Passive Cooling® Helps New Data Center Plan for the Future

June 27, 2014


Telefonica Vivo - Case-Study-Telefonica-Vivo.jpgThe next 10 years look bright and cool for Telefônica Vivo’s data center.

As the largest integrated telecom in South America, the company needed a data center that would be robust enough to support all of the company’s mobile services for the next decade and beyond.

When Vivo learned about Chatsworth Products’ (CPI) Passive Cooling® Solutions, the company didn’t have to look for a solution any more. CPI Passive Cooling Solutions allow companies to maximize their cooling efficiencies without the need for additional CRAC units, in-row air conditioners or liquid cooling solutions. 

Vivo decided on CPI’s GF-Series GlobalFrame® Gen 2  Cabinet Systems with Vertical Exhaust Ducts to isolate, redirect and recycle hot exhaust air.

GF-Series GlobalFrame Cabinets with Vertical Exhaust Ducts are part of CPI Passive Cooling Solutions, which provide advanced thermal management with zero points of failure, thus delivering a Tier IV solution.

The end result was the Tier III status for design and construction from Uptime Institute that Vivo got for its data center. 

“Tier III is one hour of downtime in a year. And so far, we haven’t experienced any downtime,” Silvio Mendonça, Vivo’s Data Center Manager said.

Read this entire case study here.
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