CPI Blog

Groundbreaking Temperature Monitoring Tool Targets Carbon Footprint Reduction in Data Centers

September 23, 2013

Cambridge-based start-up Alquist was recently awarded 1 million pounds (about $1.6 million) from the U.K.’s Department for Energy and Climate Change (DECC) to test its prized Celsius temperature monitoring system tool on the data centers of two giant firms. 

Using laser technology and fiber optics, the Celsius Tool creates high-definition maps of server racks and power transmission equipment, offering thousands of real-time sensing points. The readings should then help data center operators improve airflow and air conditioning settings in the room. 

The DECC funding will help in fine-tuning the Celsius Tool and provide hard evidence of actual savings. According to Alquist, mid-size data centers can target 10-30% reduction in electricity bills and can reduce carbon emissions by up to 2,000 tons annually. 

But while the Celsius tool is a revolutionary device that should help the IT industry tremendously, carbon footprint reduction is only achieved tackling the problem in many fronts, including proper aisle containment and thermal management. 

Telecity Group

Case in point: London-based data center colocation provider Telecity Group plc, which has been able to realize a 20% reduction on power and cooling costs using Chatsworth Products’ Passive Cooling® Solutions. These solutions are designed to reduce operational costs by isolating hot exhaust air from cool supply air, maximizing cooling unit efficiencies.  

With expected savings of up to 90% on energy costs and up to 40% on data center cooling costs, it’s no surprise aisle containment is becoming the new standard solution for data centers. 

To get further insight on how to use containment to rescue lost power and cooling, be sure to read the latest white paper from CPI’s Global Technology Manager and thermal management guru, Ian Seaton, titled “Extend the Life of Your Data Center.”

Raissa Carey, eContent Specialist

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