February 03, 2022

If you're an IT professional tasked with extending the network to connect IoT and business systems, you're likely evaluating equipment, too. Specifically enclosures. And because delivering effective power to these enclosures is a key factor in the bigger picture of ensuring a successful edge network deployment, it's important to know what to consider. Read the blog to learn more.

January 21, 2022

As businesses everywhere embark on making their 2022 goals reality, today's blog dives into what to consider and the capabilities to require when it comes intelligent PDUs and the critical role they play in helping to ensure optimal remote data center management. Details after the jump. 

December 20, 2021

Wireless technology has introduced a new era in education and, as a result, wireless networks are now an essential part of educational programming and administration. Careful investigation and planning are needed as IT teams charged with ensuring a reliable wireless network work to evaluate and select wireless infrastructure. This begins with an understanding of several key challenges or questions among both education leaders and IT teams administrating this infrastructure.

November 11, 2021

Since its doors opened in 1991, Chatsworth Products has maintained an Employee Stock Ownership Plan (ESOP) structure, where all employees become beneficial owners. As we reflect on recent activities held at various CPI locations to celebrate ESOP month this past October, we continue to also celebrate how our customers and partners help shape our ESOP journey, too. Read the blog to learn more.

October 27, 2021

While wireless infrastructure in healthcare facilities plays a critical role in ensuring life-saving technologies, it must also meet the demand for data across large campuses from medical staff and visitors, all the while protecting more vulnerable patients. Read today's blog to learn helpful do's and don'ts of deploying a successful wireless network in healthcare facilities and find out about an Oberon solution that offers aesthetics, performance and convenience, no compromising necessary.

October 14, 2021

Balancing best practices for ensuring appropriate temperature levels within the data center white space and avoiding equipment failure caused by exceeded temperature or humidity levels isn’t easy. But taking a proactive approach at the cabinet level through the use of environmental monitoring is an excellent first step that today’s blog article is ready to help you uncover.

September 23, 2021

For IT professionals ensuring the protection of data and equipment, there's much to consider when building an access control system that meets security requirements. In today's blog, we provide a list of essential capabilities, including rack-level electronic locking, that can help ensure your protection is second to none.

September 09, 2021

As more wireless networks extend into nontraditional, “edge” environments, there are a number of new and often overlooked considerations that traditional IT teams must face. This includes the need to properly plan for and protect equipment that may be placed in indoor or outdoor locations where power washing is a possibility or necessity.

August 26, 2021

BREAKING NEWS! We're pleased to announce that both Chatsworth Products (CPI) and Oberon, a division of Chatsworth Products, have been presented with Innovators Awards from Cabling Installation & Maintenance. Find out why CPI's ZetaFrame™ Cabinet and Oberon's Model 1018-00 In-Plane Wi-Fi Access Point Enclosure rose to the top in today's blog!

August 12, 2021

Data center uptime has always been important, but today, it's becoming even more critical to business success and reliability. Likewise, as the cost of downtime continues to rise, so do the number of preventable outages. Read today's blog, authored by CPI's Data Center Infrastructure Management (DCIM) technology partner, Sunbird® Software, to learn 10 best practices that successful data center managers follow to improve uptime using DCIM software.
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