Electronic Locks
Browse Electronic Locks (9 Products)
Two-Point Electronic Lock Retrofit Kit System 1000
Product Overview
Two-Point Electronic Lock Kit, System 1000 Retrofit Kit
Two-Point Electronic Lock Kit System 1000 for Single Solid Rear Doors
Product Overview
Two-Point Electronic Lock Kit, System 1000 For F-Series TeraFrame Gen 3 Cabinet System with Single Solid Rear Doors
Each lock can be programmed with multiple access codes eliminating keys and allowing a master code to open all cabinets, while different user codes open individual cabinets or groups of cabinets
Two-Point Electronic Lock Kit System 1000 for Single Perforated Front Doors
Product Overview
Two-Point Electronic Lock Kit System 1000 for Double Perforated Rear Doors
Product Overview
Electronic Lock Kit, System 1000 For F-Series TeraFrame Gen 3 Cabinet System and GF-Series GlobalFrame Gen 2 Cabinet System with Double Perforated Rear Doors
Each lock can be programmed with multiple access codes eliminating keys and allowing a master code to open all cabinets, while different user codes open individual cabinets or groups of cabinets.
Sizes & Options
Cabinet Style
Single-Point Electronic Lock Kit System 1000 for Single Solid Rear Doors
Product Overview
Electronic Lock Kit, System 1000 For F-Series TeraFrame Gen 3 Cabinet Single Solid Rear Doors
Each lock can be programmed with multiple access codes eliminating keys and allowing a master code to open all cabinets, while different user codes open individual cabinets or groups of cabinets.
Sizes & Options
Cabinet Style
Single-Point Electronic Lock Kit System 1000 for Single Perforated Front Doors
Product Overview
Electronic Lock Kit, System 1000 For F-Series TeraFrame Gen 3 Cabinet Single Solid Rear Doors
Each lock can be programmed with multiple access codes eliminating keys and allowing a master code to open all cabinets, while different user codes open individual cabinets or groups of cabinets.
Sizes & Options
Cabinet Style
Electronic Lock Kit System 1000 for ThinLine II Wall-Mount Cabinet
Product Overview
Each lock can be programmed with multiple access codes eliminating keys and allowing a master code to open all cabinets, while different user codes open individual cabinets or groups of cabinets.
RFID Electronic Lock Kit
Product Overview
The Electronic Lock Kit solution can be preinstalled in CPI Cabinets and features swinghandles with integrated dual-frequency card reader technology. Audit trail capability allows for enhanced regulatory compliance.
Sizes & Options
Networked Electronic Access Control Swinghandle Kit with Smart Card Authentication (Previous Model)
Product Overview
Networked Electronic Access Control (EAC) Swinghandle Kit provides a networked electronic lock solution for physical security of data center cabinets.